
High security - low risk

Discrete location

  • Substantial stand-off zones available
  • Permission for double 3-metre high perimeter fences, vehicle locks and man traps
  • Flood – site is in lowest risk category Zone 1
  • Flight path risk - less than 1:10,000years

Camro is discretely located off the A142 bypass at a roundabout junction with the B1381 which provides an alternative access route via Sutton Village.

The site is categorized as a zone 1 flood risk – the lowest level of risk assessed by the Environment Agency and 2016 Flood Risk Assessment by Aecom.

There are no airports in close proximity to the site and although Cambridgeshire is home to commercial and military airfields the site is not within direct flight paths and has been assessed by Halcrow as having a lower than 1 in 10,000 year risk.

There are no railways or nuclear sites in any relevant proximity to the site.

The site lends itself to being highly secure and is a low risk location.
